Wednesday 9 January 2008

Positive Outlook from the Elephant Man

My prize for the person with the most positive outlook on life in 2007 goes to Mr Merricks. No not that celebrated elephant man but our very own chief Financial Ombudsman, Mr Walter Merricks, who must be the only person who has seen a silver lining in the Northern Rock fiasco. In his latest Ombudsman news bulletin he has gone on record stating that there was a considerable silver lining in Northern Rocks problems. He was expecting lots of complaints but was surprised that he received none.

He goes on to say "In response to the news about Northern Rock, people whose entire life savings had languished for years in low-interest current accounts – people too inexperienced, too uninformed, or perhaps just too busy or bored, to shop around for a better rate or better account – were suddenly making decisions and taking control of their finances in the most dramatic and empowered way."

It should not take a another run on the Bank to get us looking at how our finances are performing!

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